Here are the flight and gathering details for the Cambodia trip:
Date: 17th December 2011
Airline: Jetstar Airways
Flight No. 3K593, Terminal 1
ETD(Estimated time of departure): 1030hrs
All Boys who are going to airport on their own/with parents are to meet at Terminal 1 at 0830hrs.
Boys who need transport to airport are to meet at KCPSS at 7.15am.
Date: 21st December 2011
Airline: Jetstar Airways
Flight No. 3K594, Terminal 1
ETA: 1510hrs
There will be no transport back to school. Boys will be dismissed from Changi Airport.
Boys are reminded not to exceed 7kgs of hand carry luggage and 7kgs of check in luggage.
Boys are reminded to bring along their malaria tablets.
All those who are meeting in school on 17th December are to give their names to SGT Ruban.
Boys are advised not to bring too much cash to Cambodia. A recommended amount will be USD50.
Boys are to wear KCPSS no. 1 shirt to board the plane. Do bring along BB regulation blue polo t shirt as well.