Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Date : Saturday, 4th February 2012

Time : 0845-1300hrs

Venue : Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School

Attire : Musketry Kit

Duty Personnel:

Duty Officer : OCT Wong Shaoyu

Company Orderly Sergeant : SSG James Goh

Duty Squad / NCO : Squad 2

Programme outline:



Sec 1

Sec 2

Sec 3

Sec 4


Roll Call


Worship and Word


Target Badge

Drill Lesson


Introduction to “Company Parade Procedure


Area Cleaning Cum Dismissal


Citizenship Stage 2

  1. Reminder to Citizenship Stage 2 taker, please submit soft and hard copy of your powerpoint presentation to Ms. Celine Tan by 4th Feb 2012.


  1. Please inform your Squad Leader if you have lost any of your badges or spoilt badges. Please bring along money to pay for the badges.

    Squad Leader are to inform Mr
    Benjamin Lim latest by Friday 3rd Feb 2012

Total Defense Bronze and Silver Award

  1. All new recruits are to meet on Friday 3 Feb at 135pm outside the General Office.

All other Boys taking the Silver Award are to meet on Friday 3 Feb at 135pm outside the General Office too.

Please have your own lunch immediately after Chapel if necessary.

The bus is expected to reach back school at 530pm.

Uniform Measurement for Sec 1

  1. All Sec 1 Boys are required to attend this Saturday parade as there will be uniform measurement. Please be in school promptly at 8.45am. Bus will depart for BBHQ at 9am.

By Order,

2LT Celine Tan

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