Tuesday, December 7, 2010

CRO 11th Dec 2010


Date : Saturday,11th December 2010
Time : 0845-1300hrs
Venue : Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School
Attire : Boys - Full uniform
Officers - Function dress

Duty Personnel:
Duty Officer : LTA Yam Kai Chow
Company Orderly Sergeant : SGT Timotheus Low
Duty Squad / NCO : Squad 3/ CPL Ng Kian Shin

Time Programme

0845 Roll Call
0900 Start of AGM
1145 Lunch
1300 Dismissal


1) All Boys are to take note that AGM is compulsory for all Sec 2 and above. The Company regards attendance for AGM seriously. Boys who are absent without valid reason will face disciplinary actions.

2) All Boys going to Cambodia are to take note that there will be a briefing/packing from 1300-1400 hrs after AGM.

3) Please take note of the BB related events in December 2010

15th December: BB share-a-gift session 2
18th - 22nd December: Company Cambodia Trip(Selected Boys)

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