On 15th August, the officers from the 5th coy BB and 28th Coy GB had a 'get together' session to enjoy some fellowship with one another. We got together to learn some cooking skills as well as to enjoy the food that we learnt to cook. An ex officer of 5th Coy, Mr Mervyn Phan was the chef that day to teach us how to cook.
I would say every single one of us enjoyed ourselves that day cooking, eating and fellowshipping with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
First dish we were taught to cook was Chicken stuffed with Feta Cheese. We were taught the basic steps in cutting onions and garlic, followed by the method to stuff the cheese. Seems easy but there can be disasters if things are not done properly. Here you are....

Our 2 youngest officers trying to prepare the chickens...

our chickens waiting to be cooked

our finished products...yum yum...
2nd dish was mussels...not much work for that. Mainly washing, cooking and putting the ingredients. Not much of prep work as compared to the chickens. Olive rice was cooked by Mr Mervyn Phan himself but he showed us the method. Here are the officers with their chicken and olive rice. Most of them is their first time cooking their own chicken...

after main dishes, we were taught to do deserts. Creppes with German Yoghurt. All of us were given the chance to flip over the Creppe. Not many of us succeeded.

A picture of our Captain Mr Lim preparing to flip his creppe.
Finally groups pictures to end off the session....

It was a really wonderful Saturday afternoon getting together with our fellow sisters in Christ.