Friday, August 12, 2011


Date : Saturday,13th August 2011
Time : 0845-1245
Venue : KCPSS
Attire : PT Kit
Duty Personnel:
Duty Officer : OCT Nicholas Gay
Company Orderly Sergeant : SGT Benjamin Tan
Duty Squad / NCO : Squad 1

Programme outline:

Time Programme
Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 3
0845 Roll Call
0900 Worship and Word
0945 Citizenship Award
1030 Recreation
1200 Contact Time
1230 Area Cleaning Cum Dismissal


1. Boys who are interested to play Badminton or Table Tennis during recreation are encourage to bring their equipment along.

2. Boys are to take note that Company Outing has be reschedule to 20th August 2011. Details will be given during parade this Saturday.

3. Boys are reminded to bring along their thumb-drive and notes for Citizenship project.

4.There will be a RE-TEST for Citizenship Stage 1 for Stage 1 boys who are absent during last parade.

By Order,
2LT Celine Tan
Head of Department, Administration