During the year end holidays last year, our NCOs gathered at Aloha Changi Resort for the annual NCO Retreat, where they came together to discuss issues within their squads as well as learning and sharing about squad management. The theme of the retreat is Leading with Love, Striving to Serve. The NCOs are reminded during the devotions to lead their Boys with love and yet striving to serve from their heart. On top of that, the Boys had a great time spending time with one another over games and team building activities.
Let's hear what 2 of our NCOs have to say:
Throughout the NCO retreat, I have learnt many things from
the various activities planned by the officers. I would like to name one of the
particular activities and it was called Escape Room. This game consisted of
dozens of puzzles and challenges that we were required to face before we could
finish off the game with one last final puzzle which really taught us the
importance of teamwork and communication in order for a team to
succeed. The various sessions of free time (XBOX) really gave us the ability to
bond with each other, especially with those people we did not know very well.
The daily sessions conducted by Pastor Joe also taught us many things : that we
should serve all despite of who they are and that we should do this
unconditionally. Overall the NCO retreat has been a fun and exciting experience
and I really hope those who go for it appreciate the time spent during the
retreat as it will definitely be a memorable one.
- SSG Derek Chua, Platoon A Sgt

Through this NCO retreat, I have realised that all leadership positions are not given to us by chance. But it was the officers and seniors who trusted us to uphold responsibilities of various leadership positions and lead the whole company to excellence. Also, I as a non-christian have been listening to Pastor Joe's stories and bible teachings. It has given me a whole new perspective of getting to know more of Lord Jesus Christ. Pastor Joe also taught me to not serve only who we fancy but to serve everyone equally with love and care for the Mighty Lord created us and loved us first. Mr yam , captain of the BB 5th company, has also said, " Let us come together and improve the 5th company, a company where the Boys feel a sense of belonging." This quote has motivated me to unleash my fullest potential to serve and contribute to the 5th company. I also had a lot of fun at my first NCO retreat and the bonding moments with friends or with seniors is truly awesome.
- CPL Samuel Seah, Squad 8 Leader
The retreat ended with a BBQ on the last night.
It was indeed a memorable and great time for the NCOs, learning from one another and the Officers. Looking forward to the next one!