Thursday, February 16, 2012


Date : Saturday, 18th February 2012

Time : 0815-1200rs

Venue : Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Secondary School

Attire : PT Kit

Duty Personnel:

Duty Officer : OCT Moses

Company Orderly Sergeant : SGT Zepplin Low

Duty Squad / NCO : Squad 2

Programme outline:


8.15am - roll call
9am - kayaking orientation programme
12pm - dismissal

For Boys taking Star 1

8.15am - roll call
9am - kayaking star 1
12pm - Lunch
1pm - course resume
7pm - dismissal

For the rest of the Boys,

9am - roll call (practice roll call procedure)
10am - 1130 drill
12pm - dismissal


  1. Kayaking

- Boys who are going for kayaking orientation/ course are reminded to bring along consent form and money.

- Boys who are wearing spectacles are reminded to get spectacles hood to secure your spectacles.

- Boys are reminded to bring along extra set of clothes and water bottles. It is compulsory to keep yourself hydrated.

- All Boys are reminded to have your breakfast taken before parade.

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