Wednesday, December 17, 2014

5th Company 80th Anniversary Celebration - Staycation @ Sentosa

Sentosa Staycation 20th - 23rd December 2014

Guys some admin matters for the staycation. Please remind all your friends to read this.
1) Berms are allowed for the trip but only BB/KCP t shirts.
2) Bring along 1 gift worth about $5 for gift exchange for ARPC BB/GB Christmas Celebration
3) Bring along both shoes & Slippers.
4) All to meet at 8.45am in school
5) Bring along writing materials
6) There will be angel & mortal activity so bring along small cards/post its or note pads that you can write encouragement notes to your friends.
7) Bring along some snacks/sweets/chocolates that you can give to your friends/mortal everyday
8) Bring along some cash to get another gift. We will be at Vivo City 1 of the evenings. We will have our own gift exchange on the last night. You are encouraged to also get a gift for your parents. (suggested amt: $20)
9) All payment and forms need to be submitted before 20th December.
10) Do not bring along unnecessary valuables.
11) Bring along inhaler for those with asthma and any medication as per needed
12) Bring along a set of smart casual for our Christmas Celebration at ARPC. There will be girls around so need to wear smartly

13) There is a swimming pool in the resort. Bring along swimming attire if you intend to do swim.
14) Bring along your water bottle

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